Acutonics® Self-Care Class
Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center   |  Acutonics® Self-Care Class

Emily Rowe, MD, L.Ac will be teaching Acutonics® Self-Care
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 from 6-9pm ET

Live on Zoom!

Are you interested in Vibrational Healing, Jungian Psychological Archetypes, Acupuncture Meridians, the Physics of the Extracellular Matrix, Astrological Influences on Health, Karmic Potential, The Philosophy of Chinese Medical Energetics?

Acutonics® includes it all!

This class will help you to ignite the practice of self-care and the cultivation of self-compassion through Acutonics®


Emily T. Rowe, MD, L.Ac, IFMCP


Tuesday July 9th, 2024 from 6-9pm ET


Self-compassion is the practice of showing yourself the same compassion you would show someone you care about in moments of failure or difficulty. It allows us to recognize our limitations and flaws while showing ourselves kindness as we accept them or work through them. Self-care is the practice of doing things to take care of your mind, body, and soul by engaging in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress. It reminds yourself and others that your needs are priority.

This class empowers you to treat yourself and your family members (children, pets, parents, spouses) using the Acutonics® tuning forks, activating the practice of self-care while cultivating self-compassion. We will introduce the basic techniques of the application of the forks. And we will learn some locations and uses of acupuncture points.

This is a three hour long class with a short break.




You do not need to purchase this equipment to take the class. This class is not a sales pitch to buy equipment from us. However, you are more likely to benefit deeply from the class, if you are able to apply the forks to your own acupuncture points while you attend.

We will be discussing the use of the Ohm-Octave Acutonics® set in our Self-Care Class. In order to hit the Acutonics® forks without damaging them (they should never be activated by hitting furniture, the wall or body parts), we recommend using the belted Acuvator.

The recommended items for this class are:

  1. Ohm Octave Set: $185, includes a storage bag for the forks + Taxes (Florida 6% + Miami-
    Dade 1%) $12.95 = $197.95
  2. Belted Acuvator: $41.95 + Taxes (Florida 6% + Miami-Dade 1%) $2.94 = $44.89

We carry these items at our office. You might also be able to purchase them used online, on websites, such as Ebay.



Dr. Emily Rowe

Please let us know if you have any questions about this class. We are excited to be offering this educational opportunity! Call us at 305-397-8229. Text us at 305-902-4974. Email us at

Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center is excited to announce an online, interactive webinar for healthcare providers of all backgrounds.



At MBCWC, holistic health care is just the beginning. We are complementary healers focused on whole-patient care.


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