Wellness Blog

RGCC Testing Options for Cancer Detection and for Personalized Cancer Treatments


Biologically, the definition of cancer is uncontrolled cell growth.  Sometimes the cancer cells can spread to other areas of the body, this is called metastasis.  Cancer starts when the genes of a cancer cell mutate, creating cancerous cells.  Unfortunately, we are seeing increased rates of cancer in our clients at MBCWC.  Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States.  As we offer holistic cancer support at our clinic, we want to optimize our results and the health of our cli…

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Unlocking the Power of Methylene Blue: From Fabric Dye to Neurocognitive Health

Methylene Blue 2


Methylene Blue is a blue dye that was created in 1876. It was originally used to dye fabric, but later it was discovered to be useful in scientific laboratories and medicine. As a stain, it can help scientists to visualize bacteria, parasites and fungus under a microscope. Allied troops used it in World War II in the South Pacific to prevent and to treat malaria infections. Non-medical grade methylene blue is used in fish tanks to prevent algae overgrowth and to keep fish tanks clean.


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CharaCore® Regenerative Medicine Products: “Stem Cells”

We are excited to announce that starting in July 2023, the Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center will be carrying CharaCore® placental-derived tissue regenerative medicine products. These are commonly called “stem cells” in layman’s terms.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are present in every living human. Stem cells carry out two major processes that other cells types do not:

  • They continuously renew and divide to replicate themselves. Other cells can replicate, but have limited life spa…

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The Role of Diet In The Management Of Recurrent and Chronic Viral Issues


Herpes is not just a sexually transmitted disease! There is a whole family of viruses called “Herpesviridae” or “herpes viruses.” This family of viruses includes: A. Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) B. Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 (HSV-2), C. Cytomegalovirus/CMV, D. Epstein-Barr Virus/EBV, which is also called Mononucleosis or “Mono”, E. Human Herpes Virus type 6/HHV-6, F. “Chickenpox” which is also called Herpes Zoster Varicella Virus or “Shingles.”

These viruses can significantly impact our…

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Field Notes from The Tucson Gem Show: Pulse Taking and Stone Medicine

Emily and I just got back from one of our favorite annual events: The Tucson International Gem and Mineral Show.  For those of you who are not familiar with this event, it is the largest gathering of gem, mineral and fossil dealers from around the world. It takes over the better part of the city of Tucson, Arizona for a month every year around this time (for Miami locals- think ‘Art Basel for Gems and Crystals’).  Dealers set up exhibitions in convention centers, meeting halls and hotels. Some o…

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Treatment of Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis


Having been in the medical field since 1999, I’ve seen a lot of chronic pain.  Pain interferes with activities of daily living and makes it harder to deal with everyday stress.  Frozen shoulder is a particularly common pain problem that we can treat at Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center.  Frozen shoulder is the layman’s term for “Adhesive Capsulitis.”  Adhesive Capsulitis occurs when excessive scar tissue forms in the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder, leading to a limited range of motio…

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Telomeres and Anti-Aging Medicine: Emerging Techniques To Monitor and Improve Health



I just returned from a very exciting conference presented by A4M (The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) detailing the latest information about Telomere Biology!  Research in the field of anti-aging medicine has exploded in the last decade and we have reached the point where it can be applied in clinical practice for a wide variety of patients. From diabetes and hypertension to autoimmune disease and cancer, these principles have been shown to be helpful.  It is also for individuals w…

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Knee Pain? There’s Something Better Than Steroids to Inject!


Better Treatment For Chronic Knee Pain:
Your Own Platelet Rich Plasma

Painful joints can seriously interfere with your life.  If your shoulder, elbow or knee is in constant pain, you may be less mobile, less likely to exercise and have a harder time doing many of the things you enjoy.  Sometimes, these conditions may be due to something very severe and surgery is required to fix them.  However, that is actually the minority of cases.  Most of the time, less invasive methods of treatment are suff…

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Hair Thinning or Alopecia


Hair Thinning

Are you losing hair?  Is your hair brush filled with clumps of hair after brushing your hair?  We have consultations and treatments available at Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center for hair loss.  

Root Cause

Our first approach to any health problem is to look at the medical etiology of what is causing your hair loss.  Rather than just treating a problem, we like to get down to the root of what is behind any medical condition.  When we can get down to the deeper cause, oft…

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The First Step In Recovering From Mold And Mycotoxin Related Illness

Be Sure You Are Living In A Mold-Free Home

When someone has been diagnosed with problems related to mold and mycotoxins (toxins from mold), the first step in recovery is to be sure you are living in an environment that is mold-freeThis step in recovery is ESSENTIAL.  Any supplements, herbs, binders and other therapies we use to treat mold and mycotoxin problems simply will not work if the person is still being exposed to mold.

Assessing a house or apartment for mold can be as hard (or eve…

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At MBCWC, holistic health care is just the beginning. We are complementary healers focused on whole-patient care.


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   Miami Beach, FL 33139

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